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Find the perfect formula for chemicals industry safety
The chemicals sector presents employees with some of the most high-risk working environments to be found anywhere in industry. Expert chemical risk assessments and effective risk controls are essential to help minimise harm to human health. By working together, Ansell and Chemwatch provide a solution that can meet the unique safety needs of any company working with hazardous chemical substances.

Before you can act to reduce risk at your site, you need to know what that risk is. In the chemicals industry, that means evaluating the chemical hazards on site. Then you can take appropriate control measures to remove or minimise the level of risk, and provide PPE to safeguard workers.
With Ansell and Chemwatch working together, you can easily access expertise in chemicals management and workplace chemical safety solutions, to find the perfect solution for your specific needs. Because together, they have risk, safety, protection and compliance completely covered.
12,000,000 ways to be safer
There are thousands of ways that different hazardous chemicals – alone or in combination – can act, react, and potentially cause harm. Workplaces have a responsibility to store, handle, and label chemicals according to the regulations enforced in their respective jurisdictions.
Knowledge and understanding of all the issues doesn’t come overnight. It takes decades of experimentation and testing to build extensive knowledge and practical understanding of what can occur, why it occurs, and how to prevent it or protect against it. Chemwatch has been operating in chemicals management for over 30 years, and in that time has amassed a wealth of experience, expertise and data.
The Chemwatch database covers over 3 million chemicals and hazardous substances, and incorporates more than 7,500 regulatory lists from over 90 countries. The information in the database covers all aspects of chemical safety regulations – from storage and labelling to distribution and transport obligations.
Chemwatch also holds a database of over 12 million safety data sheets. With this archive of information, it has the data points needed – such as physical and chemical properties, GHS classifications, and precautionary statements – to quickly and easily generate accurate risk assessments which are invaluable to chemical industry operators.
Ansell’s Chemical Guardian tool can also generate unique and personalised safety assessments using a proprietary Risk Assessment tool, to identify when a hazard requires PPE or other risk controls, to reduce injury and illness, ensure regulatory compliance, and improve worker safety.

The science of protection
Knowing the hazards which chemicals and toxic substances present is the first aspect of chemical safety. Understanding the risks of exposure – the probability and degree of harm or adverse health effects – is the second. Controlling exposure to chemical hazards and toxic substances to protectworkers is the third.
With the risks identified and assessed, Ansell has the expert knowledge to provide the optimum protection from harm.
Working at the forefront of protection science, Ansell is constantly researching, developing and investing to manufacture and distribute cutting-edge product innovations and technologies. Ansell’s expertise in chemical permeation testing and barrier materials is helping protect customers worldwide from a wide range of occupational diseases caused by exposure to hazardous chemicals.
Under health and safety regulations, employers have an obligation and responsibility to provide sufficient well-maintained PPE, as well as to train workers in how to use it effectively. Ansell manufactures an extensive range of chemical protective clothing and gloves to help prevent exposure to hazardous chemicals.
An Ansell GUARDIAN on-site assessment is also available, which can help with injury reduction, reduce the cost of protecting employees, increase compliance, and even help to reduce the complexity of your PPE portfolio.
More expertise, less risk
The partnership of Ansell and Chemwatch brings together two of the leading experts in the fields of chemicals management and chemicals PPE.
By combining their experience and knowledge, the two companies make it easier for any business in the chemicals sector to find a comprehensive solution for reducing risk, maximising protection, and keeping employees safe from harm.
For more information, contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
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