In this article
Have you seen the light?
Nobody can still be in the dark about the changes that have happened – and are happening– to lighting. Starting with the banning of halogen lamps back in 2021, and now with an end to fluorescents just come into force, UK businesses are on track to save over 1.25 million tonnes of CO2 from entering the atmosphere. Not to mention significantly reducing their energy costs. But it all depends on identifying and switching off the old lighting technology, and switching on the right choice of new lamps. An ERIKS Lighting Survey will highlight your costs, and put the spotlight on the savings you could make.

Making lighting more sustainable and reducing its carbon footprint were already powerful reasons for phasing out less energy-efficient technology. The UK’s plans alone should have a carbon reduction effect equivalent to removing 500,000 cars from the road every year.
Now, with the huge increase in energy costs – and little likelihood of them returning to the levels seen before the invasion of Ukraine – there’s even more reason to swap fluorescents and any remaining halogen lamps at your site, for energy- and money-saving sustainable LEDs.
Or perhaps you’re thinking: if the light comes on when I flick the switch, why bother?
Here’s why.
Dim and dimmer
When the Government say they’re turning off certain lighting technology, it’s not going to stop the lights coming on at your site. Not at first, anyway. But as manufacturers wind down the production of banned fluorescents and associated parts, then replacement tubes, starters, control gear and other fittings are going to be increasingly hard to find – and more expensive to buy if you can find them.
As they get older, they’re also more likely to fail more often. Which means increased maintenance time and costs as your maintenance engineers work to keep them illuminated.
Even when your traditional lamps are actually working, it’s not all good news. Every hour they burn, they’re using more energy, producing more CO2 and costing you more money on your electricity bills than the latest LED versions.

So how much money could you actually save by making the change to new LED lamps sooner rather than later?
Don’t work in the dark
Lighting is not simply a matter of ‘On’ or ‘Off’. So an ERIKS lighting survey is not just a case of checking your lights work. It’s about checking your lamps are the right type, doing the right job, and doing it as cost-effectively and energy-efficiently as they can.
What kind of lamps do you have on your site? How much are they costing you to run? How much could you save by witching them to LEDs? How long would the payback period be? And are there new technologies – such as presence detectors or circadian lighting – which you could be using to increase the energy-efficiency of your lighting, or to help to enhance the productivity, health or comfort of your employees?
These are all facts you need to know before you can make informed decisions which could significantly reduce your bills, shrink your carbon footprint, and even enhance employee productivity.

The first step – and a much easier one than visiting every location on your site and inspecting what’s fitted on the ceiling – is to carry out your own quick survey of the lamps currently on the shelves in your storeroom.
Are there fluorescent tubes, and mercury or sodium lamps? In that case, your lighting could be in need of an urgent energy-saving overhaul, before your existing lamps start to fail, your stocks of spares begin to run down, and you start to struggle to find replacements at a reasonable cost. A more comprehensive survey could potentially identify real energy and cost-saving solutions.
In the spotlight
A recent ERIKS and Thorn Lighting survey revealed the potential savings on one production site for a global pharmaceuticals manufacturer, by switching to new LED lighting.
Old-style Lighting Technology
New Lighting Solutions
Hrs per day
Days per week
Wks per year
Total hours
Total W per annum
Cost per annum
Kg of CO2 produce per year
For more information on how ERIKS and Thorn Lighting could help you see the light, please contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
#ThornLighting #ERIKS #LetsMakeIndustryWorkBetter #Lighting #Sustainability #EnergySaving #CostSaving