In this article
Practising what we preach in reliability, efficiency and engineering expertise
Improve efficiency. Maximise reliability. Employ innovative technology. Seek continuous improvement. They’re not things ERIKS recommends only for customers. They’re goals that ERIKS actively pursues for its own operations. And they are what lie behind an ongoing, multi-million pound programme of investment in ERIKS Engineering Services Division facilities: delivering the most effective motor, gearbox and pump repair, upgrade or replace anywhere in the UK.

ERIKS is not the only motor, or gearbox, or pump repairer or supplier. But it is probably the only motor and gearbox and pump repairer and supplier. And the only one operating from a nationwide network of facilities, surrounding a core of centres of expertise and excellence.
Centres that set the standard for maintaining and supplying these key assets across a variety of industry sectors. Continually upgraded, with investment which has continued over the past 5 years [see box-out], these centres operate cutting- edge services to meet ever-changing customer needs.
Repair or replace?
Whether to repair or replace assets is a key question for many industry sectors. Unfortunately the answer often depends on who you ask. A repairer sees every broken-down asset as a prospective repair. A supplier always sees a potential sale. But ERIKS’ repair, upgrade and replacement capabilities and expertise allow complete solution neutrality. So you will always be recommended the option which is best for you.
Complete solution neutrality
As the cost of smaller motors in particular increases, what was once a fairly simple choice for customers is becoming less clear. With the purchase price of many smaller replacement motors rising by 30-40%, the break-even point has shifted and a repair is increasingly the more cost-effective option.
ERIKS is helping to make the decision easier by adopting standardised repair pricing. Higher standards, standardised As smaller motors become more cost- effective to repair, ERIKS is working to accelerate the process by introducing standardised service agreements and repair costs for standard equipment. This not only speeds-up the turnaround time, but also makes costs more predictable and the repair/replace decision an easier one. All work is still carried out to ERIKS usual high standards. But even so, there’s a potentially even more cost-effective option: to predict failures in advance, and therefore minimise downtime.
Predictability means reliability
The more you know about your assets and how they are performing, the better you can ensure their reliability. ERIKS is strengthening its Reliability Services capabilities by investing substantially in the Strategic Asset Management (SAM) platform, and increasing the data collected and analysis generated for customers.
At the basic level, ERIKS’ thermography service offers standard thermographic monitoring with standard pricing. It’s quick, easy and cost-effective. For larger customers there’s a remote online vibration monitoring option using Bluetooth-enabled sensors, with results visualised 24/7 on the ERIKS SAM platform.
A clear traffic light reporting system makes it easy to identify assets in need of attention, and the data generated also helps to provide valuable insights into asset performance, efficiency, and potential for improvement.

An even more sophisticated wired system, gathering multiple data feeds across all Condition Monitoring indicators (vibration, external temperature, energy consumption etc.) is in the process of development for a Q1 2022 launch. This system will help customers to move from fault-finding to true remote, real-time fault identification and diagnosis – helping to eliminate catastrophic failure, facilitate faster repairs and minimise downtime.
Our investment. Your return

The most advanced and extensive facilities. The most up-to-date technology. The most innovative monitoring solutions.
The most experienced engineers. And the most cost-effective solutions. ERIKS continuing investment in repair and replace facilities and capabilities is helping to keep customers’ assets operating at their most efficient for the longest possible time.

Customers in industry sectors from water to metals to legacy power stations are benefiting from ERIKS’ investment. And it’s what makes them return to ERIKS, time after time.
Investing in expertise
ERIKS has been investing steadily in dedicated centres of expertise and excellence, to provide customers with the highest levels of repair and replace capabilities across key assets.
- Southampton
A brand-new 1,800m2 facility, with particular strength in meeting the needs of the water industry. Improved craneage enables load lifting of up to 10 tonnes. - Chesterfield
ERIKS’ centre for high-voltage motors, featuring a world-class coil shop. Currently undergoing a £1m programme of upgrades. Specialist expertise in servicing the requirements of legacy power stations. - Cardiff
The recent acquisition of personnel and equipment from a leading competitor, together with a site move, has consolidated this centre’s capabilities and pumps expertise. - Pensnett
SKF Certified Gearbox Rebuilder. Also home to the new ERIKS Remote Monitoring Centre, where technicians analyse data from customer sites in real time, to assist in fault diagnosis, repair and replacement planning, and data trending. - Leeds, Grimsby
Technicians with pump expertise and experience, supported by extensive repair and replace facilities. - Haydock
Benefiting from a £500,000 investment. Specialising in servo motors, and with facilities including an Hygienic Pump and Hose Assembly Cell. - Norwich
Premises now tripled in size incorporate enhanced load test capabilities, including a purpose-built test panel. Machine shop capabilities have also been improved, with additional equipment and tooling.
For more information on Engineering solutions and to get in touch with one of our Engineering Specialists please contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
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