In this article
Compliments and complaints
We know from time to time that not everything we do is perfect, and, on those occasions, we want to hear from you so that we can not only solve your problem but also look across the business to ensure other customers are not experiencing the same thing. Similarly, when we do great work, we want to make it easy for you to quickly give us this feedback. This is why ERIKS UK is adjusting its customer complaints and feedback process as part of our continuous improvement drive.

We have created a portal which all customers have access to, so that you can put complaints directly onto our system. When you log a complaint, you will receive acknowledgement and then within 24 hours you will receive a call from an appropriate person within ERIKS perhaps seeking more information about the complaint and advising of a likely response time. Our aim is to have all complaints resolved within seven days.
The rationale behind these changes is that we want to give you the opportunity to explain what problems you are experiencing. It allows you to be more granular in detail about the complaint as you have all the evidence.
By allowing you to post a complaint, it cuts out an additional operation (the site or contract management putting a synopsis of the problem into our system) and allows us to get to the heart of the problem more quickly.
Isabel Smith, Quality Manager for UK & Ireland explains, “If a customer complains because ERIKS has sent them a blue pen and they wanted a red one – the corrective action cannot be simply ‘sorry I’ll send you a red one’.
That’s just a sticking plaster solution, getting the immediate issue out of the way. What we should be doing is interrogating the complaint to see why they received a blue one in the first place.
So, the issue is actually one of administration. There will have been verbal complaints or issues raised but these have not been transposed onto our system and therefore potentially the issue has not had its root cause-investigated, escalated and supported to prevent further issues.”
We believe that the new changes to our complaints and feedback process provides our customers with benefits that include speed of reaction and the prevention of problems reoccurring, while for ERIKS we will be able to look at trends, root causes and to remove non-value-added activities to continually improve.
This new approach allows our customers to share insight, good or bad, and we can learn from their experience and ensure that how we work better suits them in the future. This can then be aggregated across the whole company.
One logged complaint can help everyone.
In conclusion Isabel Smith says, “The fundamental change with the introduction of this portal is rather than having our team put the complaint on the system we are allowing our customers to have direct access and to feel free to tell us about all their issues both positive and negative.
We are not pushing the problem back onto the customer or stopping the communication and relationship between the customer and direct ERIKS contact, but we are opening a new line of communication.

It’s important to note that our customers don’t have to do this, they can still communicate issues verbally or in writing to their ERIKS contact, we hope our customers will like the fact that they can formally register a complaint, that there’s a clear communication path and that they can expect a timely resolution.”
You can send Compliments and Complaints through our portal, or contact a member of the ERIKS team, who will be happy to discuss your options and provide more information.
#ERIKS #LetsMakeIndustryWorkBetter #Compliments #Complaints #QualityManagement