An engineering inspecting steam in a clean working setting

Spirax Sarco Maintenance & Steam Trap Audits

It's time to check you're at full steam.

Book a FREE Site Walk-through or start the discussion on Steam System Audits and/or Management Services with Spirax today.

How important is Steam to Industry?

Steam is renowned for delivering safe, sustainable, and efficient energy...



It can heat or sterilize almost any industrial process from food producing to oil refining, beer making, and drug manufacturing companies which is why it’s often the first choice in so many applications around the world.

When steam trap maintenance is neglected, the process begins to fail. Leakage can cause a loss of energy which results in high costs. A Steam Trap or Maintenance Survey is the first step to realizing the above benefits and ensuring steam trap and maintenance is followed through correctly.


Surveys can cover a wide range of equipment including steam traps, high limit control equipment, and condensate pumps.

The most popular survey is the steam trap survey, which would be provided to you with a detailed report, laid out in an easy-to-read format. The report will identify practical ways of optimising steam trap performance to help keep your system running economically and at peak performance, whilst showing the savings to be achieved. The report will also highlight other areas we have observed during the survey that are potentially causing your energy losses and efficiency.

Once the survey is complete and your steam trap population is brought up to peak operating efficiency, the steam trap management service can save you money and effort by taking responsibility for keeping your traps running at maximum efficiency year after year.

  • Identify achievable energy savings with calculated return on investment
  • Highlight health and safety shortfalls
  • Detection of water treatment issues such as corrosion and scaling
  • Recommend productivity improvements
  • Advice on good engineering practice
  • Steam generation efficiency and thermal energy audit

How we can help you let off Steam, correctly:

The Best approach to Steam System Audits and Maintenance

From a straightforward steam trap survey to project managing a complete new build, Spirax has experienced project teams that will tailor services to deliver the best return on your steam system investment. 

This is why we're offering you the chance for to take up an offer of a member of Spirax to visit and have an onsite walk-through to see possible opportunities of Steam improvement.

If you're looking for something more structured and ready for a survey for either a Steam Systems Audit or Steam Management Service, a quote will be created and a date booked with Spriax!

Lets us know what you'd like and a member of the ERIKS Team will be there to support you throughout your journey.

  1. Onsite walk-through: A member of Spriax Sarco will arrange a time to visit for a Free-of-charge onsite walk-through, discussing your current set-up and identifying opportunities for improvement

  2. Steam System Audit: We will obtain and quote and time for a member of Spirax Sarco to conduct a thorough audit, analysing in-depth systems from a boiler room to an entire steam system

  3. Steam Management Service: We will support the quote and delivery of an ongoing management service from Spirax Sarco, starting with an initial conversation

Get your Free walk-through, Steam Audit or Management quote

Full Steam Ahead... read our latest Spirax Sarco article


"How can steam system users achieve their decarbonisation and sustainability goals?

One way is by working with ERIKS and partner supplier Spirax Sarco. In this article, Spirax Sarco Channel Manager Paul Pugh looks at the opportunities for pharmaceutical companies in particular to utilise new infrastructure methodology and continuous assessment and monitoring."

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At ERIKS we strive to deliver the best quality service and products. As part of this goal we encourage customers to submit feedback on their experiences so we can resolve any issues and concerns.

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