3M PPE Training
Dual ERIKS & 3M Training - Register here!
Thanks for registering for your Training!
We have partnered up with 3M to give you something special...
Take part in Training and request a dual-branded rucksack for it
Simply fill in your details, along with which Branch you'd like us to send this to, and we'll send out your Training Goodies!
We'll send it this out ready for your Training session.
Request your 3M PPE Rucksack here:
How to Contact ERIKS
Get in Touch
Looking for a custom Product quote? Need an answer to a Technical question? Looking for Careers/HR support? Want to work with us? Interested in our Digital Trading solutions? Have a finance question? Send us your enquiry and a member of the ERIKS team will be with you quickly.
How are we doing?
We strive to deliver exceptional quality service and products. As part of this goal, we encourage customers to submit feedback on their experiences so we can resolve any issues and concerns.
Chat, call or find your local Branch
At ERIKS we strive to deliver the best quality service and products. As part of this goal we encourage customers to submit feedback on their experiences so we can resolve any issues and concerns.
Call us: +441215086000