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Saving energy: your lightbulb moment
Saving energy is an ongoing challenge for industry. Responsible managers are continually searching for new ways to cut kilowatts off their energy use, shave pounds off their power bills, and shrink their carbon footprint into a bargain. So here's an energy-saving idea that can be as easy as changing a lightbulb - literally.

Changing your lighting technology is a simple undertaking which can pay for itself in as little as two years. Yet the benefits for energy use, energy costs, the environment, and even employee health and safety are long-term.
Why work in the dark?
The benefits and cost reduction of some energy-saving measures are more obvious than others. So in some cases you may need support in identifying the most effective actions and in compiling a viable business case.
Upgrading your lighting is one such measure. But an ERIKS Lighting Survey is all the help and support you need to prove your point. And best of all: it's free of charge.
Our partner lighting experts will undertake a comprehensive survey of your site and current lighting set-up, make cost-effective proposals for energy-efficienct solutions, and provide you with a fully-costed report detailing the changes they recommend and the likely payback period.
The energy-saving benefits of LED lamps versus fluorescents or sodium discharge lamps are well-known. And as the price of LED fittings continues to fall, swapping your old lighting technology for new becomes an increasingly cost-effective decision.
Longer life and lower maintenance also help to reduce the total cost of ownership of LED lighting. With a warranty of up to 50,000 hours, you can expect to replace LED lamps far less frequently - and in a warehouse where replacing a light means using a scissor-lift for access, that can represent a signifncant saving in maintenance time and costs. However, not all LEDs are created equal.
The quality of the built-in chip is the main influence on the lamp's lifespan. So if you want to ensure the performance you expect, it's important to choose products from reputable suppliers and manufacturers. ERIKS works with the leading brands and supplies only quality LEDs with a guaranteed life span.
Taking control of lighting costs
LED lamps always use less energy than traditional lighting solutions. But with the right advice from lighting experts, and the right technology, you can reduce their energy use even further.
As part of an ERIKS Lighting Survey, we’ll suggest control technology which will ensure you’re not leaving lights burning – and burning energy – when there’s no need. This is particularly important in large warehouses with areas which are visited infrequently, but where traditional lighting is often left on all the time.

Easing your headaches
An ERIKS Lighting Survey not only eases the headache of choosing and planning the right lighting solutions for your warehouse, factory or office. It can also, literally, ease headaches and prevent migraines, by making sure lighting is correctly positioned.
Some lights in certain positions can create shadows which – although not particularly noticeable – cause discomfort for workers in the area. Some cheaper LEDs also flicker – again, unnoticeable in normal use – which can also lead to health issues for people exposed to the lights for long periods.
ERIKS’ experienced lighting designers are able to advise on positioning lights for more effective illumination, and avoidance of eyestrain and associated problems. Their analysis of light spread patterns may even lead to you needing fewer fittings and fewer lights, which will help cut costs even further.
And in areas where your lighting requirements can change – such as a warehouse when shelving is reconfigured – they can recommend “click and connect” wireless fittings, which are quickly and highly adaptable to new lighting needs.
To find out more about saving energy and improving employee comfort and health through lighting, talk to your ERIKS representative. It could prove very illuminating.
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