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Who Cleans Up the Dust You've Cleaned Up?
In most production environments it’s essential to collect dust – because it’s potentially harmful to workers, equipment, the wider environment, or all three. But once it’s been collected, how is it cleaned out of the filter that’s collected it?

Like anything else that’s exposed to dust, dust filters become less effective the more dust they collect. So it’s as important to thoroughly clean the filters as it is to clean the air in the first place. With over 25 years’ experience of producing dust cleaning system components, IMI Precision Engineering have the solution.
Rigged results
One of the most efficient ways to clean a dust filter is by air-blasting: using a short, intense pulse of air which blasts into the soiled filter element, causing dust and loose dirt to fall out ready for removal.
IMI Precision Engineering’s filter valves for air-blasting are part of their IMI Buschjost process valve product family and have been developed to enable efficient, inexpensive cleaning, with reduced air consumption and prolonged valve service life. The valves have recently been proven in use in the highly aggressive environment of a surface top hammer drill rig.
These rigs can only operate reliably if the large quantities of dust the drilling generates are removed from the drill’s path, to prevent the drill string from jamming. However, the dust contains respirable particles which present a significant health and safety hazard, so it can’t simply be exhausted. Instead, it has to be carefully collected for safe disposal.
The customer in question achieves this by integrating compressors and patented jet pulse dust collectors directly onto the drill rigs. The dust-laden air flows into sock-shaped filter bags where it collects or cakes on the outside. The caked dust is then shaken into the collector by timed blasts of compressed air, ready for safe disposal.
A fast blast
To deliver the necessary fast and intense blast of air for the most effective cleaning, a valve is required which can very quickly achieve the set point air pressure in the filter. This means the valve has to open fully in just milliseconds.
The IMI Buschjost valve is operated by a unique one-piece diaphragm rather than the traditional spring, and functions reliably at the very high speeds necessary. The closing mechanism works just as quickly as the opening mechanism – in milliseconds – which ensures the air pulse returns to zero as quickly as possible. This means less compressed air is used so there’s less cost in producing it.
Explosion-proof up to hazardous area 1/21, and suitable for use in temperatures ranging from -40°C to +140°C, the valve not only reduces energy consumption, but also simplifies the customer’s ordering process, as it can be used across their complete range of blast hole drill rigs.
Because dust gets everywhere
Wherever there’s dust, the IMI Buschjost valve is an effective solution in the filtering application.
Pneumatic pressure and vacuum delivery systems, for example, incorporate air filters to separate the product – such as grain, pharmaceutical products or cement – from the air. General dust filter systems have also become more important over the years, in line with the increasing stringency of environmental standards, which demand that any air or gas contaminated with dust is fully filtered before it can be discharged into the atmosphere.
Dust filter systems are also used to reduce gaseous chemical content – such as sulphur – from discharged air, and to clean dust particles from air used in combustion processes for electricity generation. In a gas turbine power plant, for example, dust particles could cause permanent damage to the turbine blades.
Complete solution
With most filter systems featuring a fabric or cartridge filter that needs cleaning, the IMI Buschjost valve series provides a highly effective solution.
Manufactured from high-grade materials, it offers a high flow rate, optional high corrosion resistance, an integrated silencer, and a frost-proof solenoid system. The solenoid is also interchangeable without tools, thanks to IMI Twist-On®.
However valves are not all that IMI Precision Engineering offer
The company’s filter system range includes electronic controls, differential pressure regulators, measuring line purge valves, and Venturi and Coander nozzles for the secondary air flow involved in the dust collection process.
With such a comprehensive product offering, market-leading innovation, technology, reliability, and value for money, one thing IMI can’t ever be accused of is gathering dust.
For more information on Fluid Power, Transfer and Control Solutions and to get in touch with one of our ERIKS Specialists, please contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
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