In this article
Beyond Cost Savings: Prioritising Health and Safety and Efficiency
It goes without saying that cost savings are viewed as the pinnacle of success for a project at the completion stage, but in reality, there are several other factors that can be reviewed and deemed as clear benefits.

ERIKS takes everything into consideration, and one recent project proved that success stories can be measured by more than money.
A customer was experiencing very high energy bills due to the inefficiency of an ageing heat exchange unit, which was not delivering the required heat to the factory, causing serious issues with on-site personnel and their welfare.
The unit was surveyed, and the energy consumption monitored, providing the customer with baseline costs. It was also noted that due to the age of the unit, it was difficult to maintain and source the spare parts, while some of the ancillary equipment such as the steam traps and hoses were identified as not working and beyond safe working practicality.
Incorporating three core competencies – Flow Control, Industrial Hose and Fluid Power – Application Engineers from each of the Product Business Units collaborated to deliver a more efficient, safer solution for the customer, identifying what equipment was required, proceeding to create a bespoke turnkey package – all from one supplier.
Utilising their vast knowledge in the field, the engineers were able to advise on the most up-to-date equipment, which would inevitably improve the filtration process for the traps and fan intakes, increasing their efficiency and making routine maintenance tasks a lot easier.
The welfare of employees was also significantly boosted thanks to a higher quality of product and fabrication, meaning that the climate was warmer with no condensate dripping through the building, causing deterioration to the ceilings and walls.
Finally, the aesthetics of the plant were improved, as previously, due to the condensate, machines had to be covered with suitable materials to avoid damage. This eradicated further health and safety issues that were continually causing disruption and overall enhanced the cosmetics of the plant.
This 20-week project is a prime example of the benefits that our customers see on a daily, beyond simple cost savings. The customers’ requirements are always at the core of ERIKS and exceeding these is always our principle aim.
For more information on and to get in touch with one of our ERIKS Fluid Power, Transfer and Control Specialists please contact your local ERIKS Service Centre, who will be happy to discuss your options.
#ERIKS #LetsMakeIndustryWorkBetter #ApplicationEngineers #Safety #Efficiency