Alex Mills

A match for your explosive environments

by Alex Mills

If your operations include processes in potentially explosive atmospheres, you’ll know the risks and the right precautions to take. But some hazards can be...

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Efficiency or functionality? It's no longer Jekyll or Hyde

by Alex Mills

Would you prefer a premium energy-efficient motor in your production plant – incurring an extra cost? Or a standard motor that gets the job done and no more?

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The split decision everyone agreed on

by Alex Mills

It wasn’t the conveyor chains which shackled one customer to costly downtime. It was the sprockets. So they turned to ERIKS to see if there was a better way...

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ATEX Motors and Hoses in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

by Alex Mills

Explore the essentials of ATEX-certified equipment, like motors & hoses, for safety in explosive areas, ensuring compliance and security.

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Why wait until you can't wait?

by Alex Mills

But with the current rising cost of energy, you could save more by acting now instead of waiting until you have no choice. ERIKS’ unique Total Cost of...

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Four belts braced for the harshest conditions

by Alex Mills

Life is tough for drive belts, and getting tougher all the time. Wind turbines, recycling plants, ventilation systems, compressors, Hyperloop transportation...

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Spin riveting for maximum conveyor chain plate security

by Alex Mills

Although most conveyor chains these days are wedge riveted as standard, the option to specify spin riveting is an important one and should be considered for...

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Top 5 Tips for Healthy Motors

by Alex Mills

It might be an obvious statement, but healthy motors are pivotal to the successful operation of any production plant. Not only will a healthy set of motors...

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Engineering the perfect drive solution

by Alex Mills

Common sense will tell you that ‘the perfect drive solution‘ can really save you money, and with more than 120 years of expertise in the field of drive belts...

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New AC Motors and Pumps for Dublin trams with too many stops

by Alex Mills

When a tram stops at a tram stop, that’s good. When it stops anywhere else, because it’s broken down, that’s not so good. It not only blocks and disrupts the...

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